- We have talked vaguely about what preemptive actions we are taking to implement the usage of BIOFUELS. Sudan is currently working on certain operative clauses with the fellow delegates of Uruguay. In these resolution we include most of the infrastructural development to implement the usage of BIOFUELS. We encourage all nations to voice your opinion as well, and start the work in progress!
- Sudan has appealed to the usage of microloans to fund the productivity of these substainable energy sources. In fact in Europe 2/3 of the population is working, but they continue to be poor. We need to understand that being a developing country doesn't mean we are poor, and by the government giving funds to the working class, in this case farmers, we can make a lucrative outflow to the economy!
-Just to clarify upon micro financing, these individual loans given to the local people, are other alternatives for developing countries to estimulate their economy. Bearing in mind that we need funds to allocate water facilities, and other factors needed to feed animals in order to extract the fat and use the rest for edible products, we need to come with a consensus to meet all of these standards.
- We need to be less inclined on first generation BIOFUELS which involve edible resources like corn, and think about other alternatives. We have talked to Iran, China, Chad, Uruguay and others, whom have really great points. As Sudan we stand in a neutral state and are open to other resolutions as well. Sudan also believes that we need to think about other fundamental issues such as education, food security, allocation of water and other substanable energy resources not including tallow.
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