Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Financial aid for Harvard

September 25, 2008

Dear Harvard Model United Nations;

Being part of the Model UN is of great advantage to me, and going to the conference on Dec 11 would be a step forward in my understanding of the world. It is only righteous to say that already being part of a community is profoundly fascinating to an individual such as me, but taking part in the world is even better. Being a citizen does not only mean a legal resident of a country, it as well means a provider and inhabitant who does not only contributes to the pollution of our world, but who as well is a human who can cry in times of pain, and who can extract the bad and implement the good. The initiative is never the easiest step to take, but what follows could be said to be a prolonged journey with an interesting ending. Being a former participant in my school’s model UN has helped me grow more as a human being, and has taught me all the valuable lessons in life, which could be said to be, opening my eyes and understanding that ignorance is not bliss. The world we have today, and who has endured for billions of years have fallen into the wrong hands in history, such as Hitler’s Holocaust in Europe and Louis XVL’s corrupt leadership in France, but it does not mean that political corruption should continue in history. It is time to take an initiative and improve the world by first revitalizing torn institutions, such as Sierra Leone in Africa and Afghanistan in the Middle East.
There are powerful reasons that have tied me to global problems around the world, and even though such countries are miles away from me I think it is my duty as a member of the model UN to make a difference. The reason why I have decided to talk about Sierra Leone in particular is because there is a chain of reactions considering the dismantling of the government followed by the appeasement in January 18, 2002.Which has been of no use because still today children of all ages have been recruited into battle fields and used as protective shields for the government. I am very passionate about the stability of children, because I’m such person who thinks that children are the leaders of tomorrow and that cultivating a complex education for them and giving them the tools to learn is better than giving them an AK-47 to shoot each other. Children all around the world should have the opportunity to attend school and to contribute in a positive way not only to the community but as well to the environment. And that’s what the Model UN has provided to me, the right to speech, the right to vote, and the right to mediate problems all around the world.
As I said before, being a member of the Model UN has given me the chance to look at the world through the media, and to visualize it by interacting with people all the over the globe. Which I believe is a great way to learn to socialize with different cultures, and not to be arrogant about other’s point of view in relation to any problem. It would be of great disadvantage not to attend the Harvard model UN conference because there aren’t enough fundable resources for us, and I think that it would traumatize our student body for life, not permanently but mildly. Due to our school limited financial aid we cannot attend the meetings, and even though our teachers have worked really hard to find sponsors for us, it has not been possible to conceive the money. That’s why in this letter I have tried to pinpoint the issue surrounding my school, and with the bottom of my heart will like to ask for your financial support. Which I think is only fair, because we have stayed after school to attend the program and have always participated in every aspect of history. I think that my classmates and I are prepared enough to join the conference and contribute in every possible way.
Already being part of the Model UN has given me a complex idea of what global issues is all about, and how school is the foundation to it all. Being in the Model UN is like a niche to us and we try to cherish it and built upon it in order to make it better. Last year in 2007, there were only eight members but this year it has proliferated to twenty three students, which is a great deal to our school and particularly us. The only problem is that due to its large group of students, our school cannot pay for all of us, and the rest might have to stay in school while others attend the meeting. This is very sad because many students who have stayed after school and who have sacrificed their time cannot go to the meeting and all their effort cannot be repaid. That’s why I hope that my letter has delved into your hearts, and that some day our voice would not be silenced anymore.
Thanking you most sincerely for all your time and consideration
Marcell Urena